Session 5 – The Vome Attack

The vome attack, splitting into two groups of three. One group goes after Johann and Sylversle while the other heads for Mortimer and Torinn.

Ranged attacks take two down before they close, then melee is joined. Syrvelse does some initial damage with then switches to healing. Torinn manages to severely injure two with his breath, then goes down to their attack. Mortimer simply charges into the fray, and Johann attempts to stay at range until he is forced to run in to divert the attention of one from Syrvelse.

The party wins. Torinn is unconscious, and the others are barely standing, but they survive. Syrvelse revives Torinn, and between healing spells and potions, they recover. Then, carrying as many crystals as possible, they return to the Low Road and the High.


There they sell their crystals, getting 300 coins per sack for them. Mortimer also sells his new club for 900.

Enriched, they re-equip themselves and are rested and ready when Woger prepares to leave for the Porcelain Citadel.

Gtharsis is also waiting for them and joins Duman, Kel, and Kel in the autowagon. While the party has been gone, Kel and Kel have painted the ruined tower from the Low Road and the High on the side of the autowagon. They say they will immortalize their journey this way.


The caravan makes good time. There is only one incident along the way. They come across what seems to be the scene of a fight, but there are no bodies or anything else beyond a damaged-and-empty autowagon. They investigate the area but cannot find anything about either the attackers or the victims.

Duman uses his skills to get the abandoned autowagon working again. It will need more work at their next destination, but for now, it is part of their caravan.


The caravan eventually arrives at the Porcelain Citadel; it’s cracked walls gleaming white. A pair of porcelain walkers come up to them and demand to know what the caravan is doing. Woger negotiates with them, and the group is soon allowed to enter the Citadel.


Checkpoint: Proceed deeper into the Grasslands. Reach Level 3.